With the quickening pace of business today, startups and entrepreneurs have to be ever vigilant against fraud and corruption. One way to do this is to implement an anti-bribery management system (ABMS) in accordance with the ISO 37001:2016 standard. We’ll give you an overview of what this standard entails and how your business can benefit from it.

If your organization is looking to protect itself from the risk of bribery and corruption, then ISO 37001:2016 is a great place to start. The standard provides a framework for implementing, maintaining, and improving an ABMS. Implementing an ABMS can help your organization to achieve a number of benefits, including a reduced risk of bribery and corruption, an improved business reputation, increased trust from customers, suppliers, and partners, greater compliance with laws and regulations, and improved employee morale.


An ABMS helps an organization to identify, manage and control bribery risks. It is based on a top-down, risk-based approach which requires the commitment of senior management and a corporate culture that fosters ethical behaviour. The standard is process-oriented and provides a framework for implementing, maintaining and improving an ABMS. The benefits of implementing an ABMS in accordance with ISO 37001:2016 include:

  • Reduced risk of bribery and corruption
  • Improved business reputation
  • Enhanced trust from customers, suppliers and partners
  • Greater compliance with laws and regulations
  • Improved employee morale

If you’re looking to protect your business from bribery and corruption, ISO 37001:2016 is a great place to start.

There are a number of other benefits that can be achieved by implementing an ABMS in accordance with ISO 37001: 2016. These benefits include a reduction in the risk of bribery and corruption, an improved business reputation, heightened trust from customers and suppliers, increased compliance with laws and regulations, and improved employee morale.

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